Blutor, a budding SaaS platform for influencers, approached us needing a pre-seed pitch deck. Their co-founder had a brilliant vision but lacked the experience to translate it into a compelling pitch deck. With this challenge, we devised a custom approach for them. First, we provided a comprehensive questionnaire filled with strategic brainstorming prompts. This questionnaire wasn't just a data-gathering tool; it was designed to guide their team through a process of solidifying their ideas. By answering the questions, they were able to articulate their vision for the platform, its unique value proposition, and the target market they aimed to serve. This structured approach helped them move from a scattered collection of ideas to a well-defined business plan.
Armed with this valuable information, our team crafted impactful content for the pitch deck. We didn't just write down the information they provided; we transformed it into a unique story to connect with the investors. To further amplify Blutor's innovative spirit, we designed the deck with a vibrant and dynamic aesthetic, utilizing a gradient color scheme that mirrored the ever-evolving nature of the influencer marketing space.

Disclaimer: Due to client confidentiality and at their request, specific details and content within the slides have been modified. However, this case study accurately reflects the process, approach & design aesthetics we employed.