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What is a pitch deck & how to create one?

You have an amazing business idea, something you know can change the world. You’ve put together a team & researched the market. But now you’re faced with a new challenge: convincing potential investors that your idea is worth their time and money. This is where a pitch deck comes in. A pitch deck is a visual presentation that showcases your business idea, highlighting its unique value proposition and potential for growth.

As a presentation design agency, we often hear questions like, “Why do I need a pitch deck?”, “How many slides to include?” and “Can I create a pitch deck myself?” Well, in this article, we’ve got you covered. From the purpose of a pitch deck to the slides you should include, we’ll answer your most frequently asked questions to the best of our ability. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Definition of a pitch deck

A pitch deck, also known as an investor deck, is a concise and visual presentation used to communicate your business idea to potential investors, partners, or clients. It serves as a persuasive tool to capture attention, generate interest, and ultimately secure funding, partnerships, or sales.

Imagine you're a young entrepreneur pitching your revolutionary new app to a room full of venture capitalists. You have limited time and need to make a lasting impression. That's where a pitch deck comes in. It's your compact yet powerful weapon to condense your vision, highlight your value proposition, and convince them to believe in you and your idea.

What’s the purpose of a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is more than just a simple presentation, it’s a powerful tool that can make or break your business idea. Here are some of the most critical purposes a pitch deck serves,

  • Building credibility: A well-crafted pitch deck can help establish your credibility by showcasing your industry expertise, past successes, and future plans.

  • Simplifying complex ideas: Pitch decks are also great for breaking down complex ideas into simple, easy-to-understand concepts that anyone can grasp.

  • Grabbing attention: A pitch deck is designed to quickly capture the attention of potential investors or clients, highlighting your key ideas and value proposition.

  • Telling a story: A pitch deck is essentially a visual story that should convey a clear and concise message about your business and its potential.

  • Securing investment: Ultimately, the purpose of a pitch deck is to secure funding or investment for your business idea or project. A strong pitch deck can help convince potential investors that your idea is worth backing financially.

How long should a pitch deck be?

One of the most common questions we hear is, “How long should a pitch deck be?”

Well, the answer is not as simple as a one-size-fits-all. It depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of presentation, the stage of your investment, the audience, and the industry.

However, a good rule of thumb is to keep it short and sweet. In general, your pitch deck should be no longer than 10–15 slides, and each slide should pack a punch. Remember, your goal is not to overload your audience with information, but rather to capture their attention and leave a lasting impression.

Pitch deck design services

What slides should you include in your pitch deck?

Guy Kawasaki, a well-known entrepreneur and venture capitalist, has outlined a pitch deck template with ten slides that cover all the necessary information for a successful pitch.

While we do agree with Guy Kawasaki’s pitch deck template, we’ve also experienced that concepts like problem statements and market analysis can sometimes require more than one slide to be fully defined.

Let’s look at the 10 essential slides outlined by Guy,

  1. Problem: Define the problem that your product or service is solving.

  2. Solution: Describe your product or service and how it solves the problem.

  3. Business model: Explain how your business will make money.

  4. Market: Describe your target market and the size of the opportunity.

  5. Competition: Identify your competitors and explain how your business is different.

  6. Marketing and sales: Describe how you plan to market and sell your product or service.

  7. Team: Introduce your team and explain why they are the right people to execute the business plan.

  8. Financials: Provide financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and funding needs.

  9. Milestones and timeline: Outline your business milestones and timeline for achieving them.

  10. Ask: Make a clear and specific ask for what you want the audience to do next, such as investing or setting up a meeting.

How to create a pitch deck on your own?

If you’re ready to take on the challenge of creating your own pitch deck, we commend your bravery! While we do recommend seeking professional assistance, we understand that it’s not always feasible. So, to help you out, we’ve put together a list of steps that can guide you toward a decent pitch deck output.

Let’s break down the pitch deck creation process into two steps for better understanding:

  • How to write a pitch deck.

  • How to design a pitch deck.

How to write a pitch deck

Step 1: Acquaint yourself first

Before you even dip your toes in pitch deck writing, take a moment to acquaint yourself with the heart and soul of your company. You need to know your product like the back of your hand, understand your value proposition, and be able to articulate your competitive advantages with ease. After all, if you can’t convince yourself of your own excellence, how can you convince others?

So, dive deep into research & your company’s performance. The art of writing a pitch deck goes beyond just throwing together some slides — it requires a solid foundation of belief and expertise. And trust us, the best pitch decks we’ve ever created have always been with founders who knew their business inside and out. So, be the captain of your own ship, and steer your pitch deck toward success.

Step 2: Outline the essential slides

With a deep understanding of your business, it’s time to outline the essential slides that you need in your pitch deck. As you move forward with writing your pitch deck, keep in mind that what worked for one presentation may not work for another. Consider factors like the funding round, presentation type, and audience type to determine which slides are essential and which ones can be left out.

Remember, less is often more, so don’t be afraid to trim the fat and focus on the key points that will make the biggest impact. By tailoring your pitch deck to the specific needs of your presentation, you can ensure that it’s effective, engaging, and memorable.

Step 3: Structure your narrative

Identify your strong points and highlight them in your pitch deck to make a compelling case for investment. Remember, investors are interested in the value proposition you’re bringing to the table, so make sure to emphasize how your product or service solves a specific problem or meets a need in the market.

Bring focus to your strengths. This way you’ll be better positioned to attract investment.

Step 4: Write clear content

Writing a pitch deck is not the time for flowery language or verbose explanations. It’s a time to communicate your ideas clearly and succinctly. Your pitch deck should be easy to understand for anyone, even if they don’t have a background in your industry.

Avoid using complex industry jargon and technical terms that might be confusing for investors. Remember, the purpose of writing a pitch deck is to convey your ideas and persuade investors to take action, not to impress them with your language skills.

So, make sure your message is crystal clear, and avoid any ambiguity or vagueness that might cause confusion.

How to design a pitch deck

Step 1: Choose a template.

There are plenty of free pitch deck templates available online that you can use as a starting point. You don’t have to be a design expert to choose a good template, but make sure it’s visually appealing and aligns with your brand image.

Step 2: Use your brand colors.

Using your brand colors will not only make your pitch deck look more professional, but will also build authenticity and recognition for your brand.

Step 3: Use visual elements.

Incorporating icons and illustrations can be a great way to support your concept and make your pitch deck more visually appealing. However, make sure that the visuals are relevant and complement the content.

Step 4: Keep the design light.

It’s important to keep the design simple and light. Don’t try to overdo it with heavy graphics or too many design elements, as it can make your pitch deck look cluttered and hard to read. A clean and simple design will help your audience focus on the content and message you are trying to convey.

Work with us

As you can see, creating a pitch deck requires a lot of effort, time, and expertise. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are a team of professionals who specialize in creating top-notch pitch decks that help startups secure funding and make an impact.

Don’t let the fear of creating a pitch deck hold you back from achieving your dreams. Contact us today and let’s bring your vision to life!


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